Luna at The Baton of Hope Tour in Milton Keynes
On Tuesday, (4 July 2023), Luna was honoured to attend the tenth stop of the The Baton of Hope UK’s tour taking place in Milton Keynes. Our CEO, Anna Wardley along with several Luna Lived Experience Network members were able to attend. Here are some of our favourite moments from the day.
Creating Hope, Preventing Suicide Conference
Anna Wardley delivered a keynote speech titled ‘Time to Count – improving support and outcomes for children left behind after parental suicide’ at the Creating Hope, Preventing Suicide conference in the Milton Keynes Dons Stadium. Anna also facilitated a panel discussion with Luna Lived Experience Network members, Serena Slattery, Iain Riddell and Steve Martin.

Team Luna’s stand at the MK Dons Stadium, and several of our Luna Lived Experience members (from left to right) Steve Martin, Stella Harris, Serena Slattery and Iain Riddell.
CEO Anna Wardley speaking at the Creating Hope, Preventing Suicide conference.

CEO Anna Wardley and Luna Lived Experience Network member, Stella Harris.
The Baton arriving at the MK Dons Stadium.
Bearing the Baton
After the conference, both Anna Wardley and Steve Martin were honoured to bear the Baton as people who have been bereaved by suicide. Both carried the baton for a leg of the Milton Keynes stretch. Pictured, is both Anna and Steve walking their leg and holding the baton together.

Luna is so honoured to have been given the opportunity to bear the Baton in Milton Keynes. It was an emotional and powerful day for those who attended due to The Baton of Hope UK’s incredibly important mission of preventing suicide. Team Luna is very proud to have been involved with our own mission to support children and young people bereaved by parental suicide.
Milton Keynes is a significant place for Luna to have taken part, having provided Luna Suicide Bereavement Training in Luton, Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes as well as providing guides for both families and professionals in our effort to improve support for children and young people who have lost a parent or carer to suicide. Both guides are available to download:
For Families / For Professionals
Pictured, are some final images of CEO Anna Wardley and Steve Martin carrying the Baton with other Baton Bearers from the day.

Final notes
Luna would like to thank everyone at The Baton of Hope for inviting us to take part and allowing our CEO and Luna Lived Experience Network to speak at the Creating Hope, Preventing Suicide conference. The day was incredibly impactful, powerful and poignant for everyone in attendance, and The Baton of Hope initiative is a huge step in the right direction for preventing suicide, and improving support for those bereaved by suicide.
CEO Anna Wardley said on the day, ‘It’s an important and emotional day for everyone at Luna as we join the Baton of Hope in Milton Keynes. This is such an important initiative to raise awareness around suicide and its impact on the lives of those left behind, and we’re working hard to ensure the support and outcomes the voices of those who lose a parent to suicide are heard as part of this nationwide tour.’